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The Innkeeper's Table

Nov 22, 2022

The end of the year means so many wonderful things—friends, family, celebrations, and (hopefully) lots and lots of board games! Unfortunately, with so many things to do, we're going to have to take a (VERY brief!) hiatus. We'll be back on January 6th, though. In the meantime, Happy Holidays, and good gaming! We can't...

Nov 11, 2022

The hosts discuss their top 3 drafting games.

What are your top 3 drafting games? Do you agree with the hosts definition of what constitutes a drafting game? What Top 3 would you like us to do in the future? Let us know at

Nov 4, 2022

A dark chill has fallen across the land, and people are afraid to go out of their homes at night. It's not safe, for Dracula is prowling the streets and seeking to spread his dark influence!

In this episode, the hosts are discussing the hidden movement classic, Fury of Dracula!

Have you played Fury of Dracula? Which...

Oct 28, 2022

The hosts discuss the 1987 Spiel des Jahres winner, Auf Achse.

Have you ever played Auf Achse? Do you know how to get hold of an English copy? What do you think of it? Let us know, and send in your suggestions for topics the innkeepers should discuss to

Oct 21, 2022

The innkeepers respond to a listener question: "What board game has fired another board game for you?"

Have you had a game "fire" another one? Which ones? And do you have a question you'd like the innkeepers to discuss? Share it with us at!