Apr 29, 2022
The hosts discuss the merits and drawbacks of loaning your board games to other people.
Apr 22, 2022
Bill and Dylan discuss the roll-and-move/memory hybrid Enchanted Forest, which won the 1982 Spiel des Jahres/Game of the Year award.
Apr 15, 2022
Dylan and Bill answer a question from a listener who is looking for good science fiction and fantasy games to play with their 6-year-old niece who loves Harry Potter and Skyward.
Did we miss any? Write in and tell us what you would suggest at innkeeperstablepodcast@gmail.com!
Apr 8, 2022
100 episodes! That's quite a milestone, and we couldn't have made it here without our listeners! To celebrate, the hosts have a special long episode prepared, where we discuss, not just our Top 3, but our Top 10 games, period!
We couldn't fit this whole discussion into our normal 15–20 minutes, so we've extended this...
Apr 1, 2022
So this one's a little different. The game's actually not out yet, but the crowdfunding campaign will be starting soon.
While we were at Dice Tower West 2022, Dylan had the opportunity to play Roy Cannaday's upcoming lightspeed 4X game, Last Light. In this episode, he pitches the game to Bill as one to play.